We wish you a successful exam period!

Impressions from the Winter Semester 2023/2024

Podcast with ESG pastor Michael Pues

The podcast "Bildungsfenster", part of the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University Library, interviewed our ESG pastor Michael Pues about his work as a pastor for students. You can find the episode on Spotify - feel free to listen in!


Bildungsfenster - Episode 23: Pastoral care for students: Quick help in times of need

Counselling international students
in the ESG Bonn

Counseling for international students addresses - not only, but especially - students from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and European "developing countries" who do not receive scholarships or BAFÖG in Germany. We advise you on questions of immigration law, study organization and problems with everyday life in a country that is foreign to you. We can also provide help in financial emergencies, especially when important exams are coming up.


Klaus Brieskorn, Referee for international students

Kontact: klaus.brieskorn@esgkoeln.de oder 0221-940522-15